Gizzy Quilt Slide Show

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Mine kwilt

Deere Anti Lynne,
I jist thort I shood rite 'n' tell yu how much I like mine kwilt. It iz soft and kumfy, and it iz nice to lie on wen I goze to sleep.
Fank yu furry mush fur makin' it fur me .....
meows 'n' purrz frum
English Daisy (Miss)

Monday, April 16, 2007

We love our Bizzy for Gizzy Flying Kwilts...

This is Sadie and Speedy enjoying their quilts right "out of the box" as they say. They have since made them their own with a nice coating of their hair. These pictures just don't do these quilts justice, they are beautiful. Next we have Zippy enjoying hers so much that she didn't even notice that Speedy was standing right next to her (this is a big deal). She to has made her quilt into her favorite place to lay. Would you turn the lights off on your way out. Thanks.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Bill on his Quilt

I know I have a "thing" for Black and Black and White cats. This is Bill on his mostly black quilt. I think he looks -so- handsome. He lives with Bob at Zorro's Crew.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Pepi from Hot(M)BC

This is Pepi from Hot(M)BC on his Bizzy for Gizzy quilt. Doesn't he look handsome? Millie thinks he looks kingly.

Bob on Tuxie Tuesday

Here's Bob on his quilt. It's blue and black and white. Bob lives with several other cats and a woofie in Florida.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Kelly's Quilt

This is Kelly. Doesn't the blue of his quilt set off his furs nicely?